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What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

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Re: What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

by jacklake2003 » Dec 06, 2011 11:55 am

So has has Hydrostream avoided lawsuits over the years? Was it just how the company was set up? Is this one of the reasons they went belly-up? I knew what I was getting into when I purchased mine and I was/am willing to take that chance, but I don't think the average consumer would expect the bottom to rip out of their boat 10 years after buying it new. However now that I think about it, I wonder if these extreme circumstances (catostrophic failure) are exclusive to boats in which the HP rating was grossly ignored?

Re: What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

by ConFuseee » Dec 04, 2011 8:56 pm

It kills me to even look at this. :|
thankfully everyone was okay..

Re: What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

by transomstand » Dec 04, 2011 9:01 am

People are always coming around with "I just bought a Hydrostream, and can I run it slow until I get the money/time to do the core" threads.

My answer is ALWAYS NO!!!


Re: What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

by Hippie459MN » Dec 03, 2011 1:12 am

viper_damage_1.jpg (62.68 KiB) Viewed 20626 times
RONNIE wrote:My boat was mint when Scotty and I cut it up to throw it in the dumpster. It was the exeption to the rule. No rot was found in my boat. It was probly the best built stream that I ever saw while also being the heaviest one ever. We cut it right down the middle of the pad and across the pad into pieces I could handle to throw it in the dumpster. Crash was the result of a small boat wake at over 100mph that I just did not see till it was to late. Flipped over backward from a result of stuffing the bow and pole vaulting the motor skyward and landing inches from hitting me . Landed upside down. As a result I ended up with 2 broken vertabra and a broken shoulder that required surgery to repair. Also 4 monthes of sitting on the couch petting the dog eating vicaden and oxy cottons till I would pass out. couldn't stand up for any time and couldn't go to work. Almost $59000 in medical bills between docors and hospital stay. I did not have any major medical at the time so I had to pay all the medical bills myself. if I didn't have an accident insuance policy I would have lost my house.. really sucked!!!1
Ronnies viper and story. All I can say is OWCH! Glad to hear he is A-OK now though. Of course this was due to a wave and not a bad core but the original pics are from what I have been told.

Another reminder to always wear your gear!!!

Re: What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

by Hippie459MN » Dec 03, 2011 1:07 am

There is even pics of RONNIEs viper new the end of that thread when he hit that small wake at 90+ mph and blew the boat to hell. He walked away but with some serious injuries but he is fully recovered now. He is a member here I think. I cant remember.

Re: What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

by HYDROSTREAMVKING4M » Dec 03, 2011 12:47 am

Glad to see this brought out here.

Re: What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

by silkeysak » Nov 30, 2011 4:10 pm

I saw those too, and it really freaked me out! I'm pulling my deck out soon, and I'm pretty sure what I will find. It looks like the transom and entire stern got ripped off. Hard to believe nobody got killed.

What can happen when your Hydrostream has a rotten core

by Hippie459MN » Nov 29, 2011 10:30 pm

Think that your core is dry or maybe you say, oh just one more year and then I will replace it or check it... Its a Hydrostream, If it has never been replaced, ITS ROTTEN and this can happen!!!

CLICK HERE - http://www.screamandfly.com/showthread.php?244366-Viper-Crash-Photos-from-2004

At about 90mph this boat delaminated and blew apart! Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt. Driver walked away and the passenger had some broken ribs.

If you look closely at the pictures, You can see all the black water soaked wood that was the core.

So to all you Hydrostreamers that have not replaced your core, DO IT!!!!!! And also, wear your gear please if your going to make some high speed runs. Its better to safe then sorry.

Thats all for now. :boating:
