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Posted: Oct 17, 2012 6:49 am
by idvette
What's going on here? There's been more talk about shoes than boats in the last few days....

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Posted: Oct 17, 2012 12:03 pm
by transomstand
If you had to walk across hot coals, you'd think shoes were more important :lol:


Posted: Oct 18, 2012 8:46 am
by Hippie459MN
There gone! I dont know what the deal is all of a sudden. Whats funny I see in the admin logs they tried posting 2 or 3 times and there posts contained links but new members are not allowed to post links until they reach so many posts. I am going to change up the anti-spam thing for new members when registering when I get home on friday so hopefully it wills top some of this. lol


Posted: Oct 20, 2012 5:45 pm
by Hippie459MN
Well, I have banned a few of the email providers and IPs so hopefully that should take care of it. The email addresses they were using I have not seen here before so blocking them should not be a problem for anyone.

Going to also do some major house cleaning here tonight of inactive users that have signed up but never activated there account or never came back. Lighten the load on the database a little bit.


Posted: Oct 20, 2012 5:53 pm
by idvette
Yeah, I co-ran a website a few years ago, and it got to the point where we were filtering every single request for membership twice a day. Got to be a real pain, and it eventually wasn't worth the effort. There's a good group here though, hope you don't run into the same issues I had.

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Posted: Oct 20, 2012 6:19 pm
by Hippie459MN
I have plenty of measures in place already that cuts back on a ton of spam so unless an actual human is doing it we really dont even see it. For instance, You must have 3 posts before you can post links and most spam bots will not be able to so it fails and never gets posted. Plus the anti-bot question when you register stops a lot of it as well cause the bots cant answer the question so it fails.

But every so often one sneaks in and we have to stop it manually.


Posted: Oct 21, 2012 10:07 pm
by Surface Scratcher
Thanks, Kevin, for all you do to keep me entertained by maintaining this site. I'm sure it's a labor of love for you but I know it's a lot of work too.

The internet wouldn't be the same without you, man.
:chet: :vking: :chet:


Posted: Oct 22, 2012 7:34 am
by Hippie459MN
No problem. I do what I can. Thankfully I have taken plenty of steps to prevent the spam so dealing with what does make it in every once and a while is easy to deal with and we dont have any issues so I dont really need a whole team of people to keep the board from falling apart. Im sure someday ill add a staff member or two but for now everything is running more then just fine so no need really.



Posted: Oct 22, 2012 4:24 pm
by Hippie459MN
Ok, I might have this round of spammers knocked out for now. Hopefully that will help some. Until the next round... Hopefully never but cant stop em all all the time.