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Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 29, 2010 6:06 pm
by Hippie459MN
Due to a major last minute decision I am going to be moving over the next few days and will be all moved as of Wednesday May 5th and where I am moving to will have very limited internet access as high speed internet is not available in the area yet (but at the end of the road about 3/4 of a mile away its available) and at the house it is very poor cell reception for my air card to work.

The reason for my move is eliminating one of my house payments and all the bills to go along with it as the economy has not been nice to me and before I get in over my head its time to let the cheaper of the 2 places go. This was a major last minute decision. I will still be on a lot on my mobile phone but will try to do my best to keep everything in order and running smooth here for anyone. Hopefully high speed gets there soon.

If there are any questions or anyone needs anything or anything I can do just let me know. Thanks everyone for making this place what it is today. Couldn't do it without all of you.


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Re: important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 29, 2010 6:13 pm
by Hippie459MN
You know, this just means way more boat money now so I can afford to really get it done this year. Heck, night even be able to get the let boat converted over to an ob and get that on the water next year.

I see more streams in my future I think. LOL start a stream farm. :pound:

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Re: Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 29, 2010 7:56 pm
by VultureNo2
Best of luck. Gotta do what you gotta due. You'll figure it out. Bill :)

Re: Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 30, 2010 5:48 am
by RussF
I thank you for all that you do Thanks Russ

Re: Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 30, 2010 1:43 pm
by frogII
Thanks for everything HIP

where the heck ya going South Dakota :pound:

Re: Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 30, 2010 1:49 pm
by Hippie459MN
No. LoL I have a place about 20 miles from where I am now but it is a whole 3/4 of a mile off the main line for high speed so I cant get it there But the guy at the end my road can get it. Its a joke. Sucks cause not only do I do the trucking thing but I also do web hosting and some other online stuff that I really need highspeed for so until I can get some stuff figured out I will be a part time internet user for a while and some of my other income will be taking a back seat. :cry1:

Re: Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 30, 2010 10:09 pm
by 77viper
Best of luck with everything.

Like the others have said we appreciate all that you do.

Re: Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 30, 2010 10:24 pm
by Hippie459MN
The boat funds will be pilling up before I know it. LoL With out a house payment and bills on 1 less house I should be on the water in no time. In about 3 weeks watch for some major progress pictures of the boat.

All hooked up and ready to goto its new house first thing in the morning. :mrgreen:

Still have 4 snomobiles, a 3 wheeler, 2 riding lawnmowers, a snowblower, and 3 vehicles (The toys) to move yet in the next day or 2 then its the entire inside of the house. That shouldnt take long though. I already got the one boat moved though so thats one thing down. LoL

Busy busy busy... I hate moving and I know I will be doing it 1 more time within the year then hopefully that will be the last. LoL

Re: Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 30, 2010 10:27 pm
by Hippie459MN
Hey Chet, When I start to replace the transom and fill in the splashwell I might have to rent you to make sure I do it right. Then I can do the rest from there. :mrgreen:

Re: Important news about my future activity here.

Posted: Apr 30, 2010 10:38 pm
by 77viper
No problem I might have a bunch of time on my hands, I got into it with the boss today a bit.

I have a vacuume pump whenor if you need it.