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Latest site update - Sept 2015

Any updates, changes, or site related info will be found here.
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Latest site update - Sept 2015

Post: # 21187Post Hippie459MN »

Well, as most of you know, the web site had been down for a few days while a HUGE update was taking place. This one was not a simple one as I had to start from the ground up and work from there all while trying to take some time for myself and my kid so it took a little longer than expected but I think I got it.

A few things have changed so please take note and some are changes that took place a while back but just a friendly reminder.

1. Due to the new forum software we have unfortunately lost the personal gallery and this also means that all the images you may have had in your personal image gallery are gone. I do have all of the images saved from a backup, but due to the way the forum assigned the file names when you uploaded them I have no way of knowing what pictures belong to who.

2. The main portal page is gone and not sure if it will be returning. It didn't seem to be a really big benefit to the site. I have some other ideas in the works but at this time, they are just ideas. If anyone misses the main portal page, let me know and maybe see if it com be implemented a little better to be more useful.

3. The chat feature has been removed. If enough people want it back, I would be more than happy to add it back to the web site.

4. A lot of the sites links have changed so if you have things like the Knowledge Base bookmarked, you will need to update your bookmarks.

5. A few things are currently missing from the Knowledge Base but I am working on updating them and will keep everyone posted when they are back.

6. The site is now 100% responsive. So what that means is, the mobile version of the web site is no longer independent of the main site so updates will be much much easier and the user experience on mobile devices will be amazing!

7. New way for handling larger images. An images wider than 800 pixels will now be resized to fit better within the post but you can click the images to view them in their full size.

8. This is old but just want to remind everyone, As of March 3rd 2015, the post count for external URLS (This includes images from sites like photobucket, etc...) has been disabled so you no longer need to make a few posts before you can post links or images. Just a caution, if this does start getting abused due to spammers, it will go back but as we are much better monitoring new registrations we don't feel this is a need anymore.

9. And a few other neat new features and I will update things as I go and im sure I am forgetting something.

Good news is, with this update keeping the site up to date will be so much easier and require much more work and downtime in doing any future updates.

Hope you enjoy the new updates and the new look as well. There is still some work to finish up but I will keep this topic updates as I get things finished up and if anyone see or has any issues with anything on the web site, please let me know so I can correct it or look into it asap!
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
1982 Hydrostream Vamp
1973 Hydrostream Vixen
1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
1976 Pontoon - aka The Family Truckster
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Latest site update - Sept 2015

Post: # 21204Post transomstand »

Good job Hip :up:
Original owner 1975 Ventura II SE
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Latest site update - Sept 2015

Post: # 21207Post Hippie459MN »

Thank you. :up:

[ Post made via Android ] Image
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
1982 Hydrostream Vamp
1973 Hydrostream Vixen
1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
1976 Pontoon - aka The Family Truckster
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