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Post: # 21885Post HST4ME »

Is there anyway to change the color format, I can't see through this foggy gray and almost hit a stump! :pound:
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Post: # 21889Post Hippie459MN »

What seems to be the problem? I havent had any complaints of people not being able to see things. As of right now there was no plan to change the look of the site but when the "new" forum software version comes out soon it will be a pretty big update and I will most likely be updating to a new layout/look. But I cant even come close to having a date for that. They are already running early beta versions of the software and I have been running it for testing purposes on another site but im not a big fan of betas for running on a live forum. Constant updates, changes, bug fixes, etc make it too hard to keep up.

I have been looking at possibly doing a black/green style but not sure I would like it for here as it might be too much for some people I think.
green_layout.jpg (166.64 KiB) Viewed 12022 times
Pretty sure I am going to go a little more simple though when I do the next big update. We'll see. :)
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Post: # 21890Post Hippie459MN »

That pic is scaled down a little bit so might not be super clear.
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Post: # 21892Post RussF »

yup works fine on my ....AOL.....................
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Post: # 21893Post HST4ME »

Just was wondering if there is a choice of background colors option. This one reminds me of the sky I will be seeing for the next four months :cold:
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Post: # 21894Post Hippie459MN »

At the moment there is not. Sorry. :( The next one though wont be so grey. lol
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Post: # 21896Post AdamDK »

Need to find a Boss Moss metalflake theme.... :D
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Post: # 21897Post Hippie459MN »

Apparently you have been snooping around on my computer. haha
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1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
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Post: # 21898Post Hippie459MN »

So this has been happening. Its FAR from done but you get the idea. :up:
test_screenshot.jpg (482.66 KiB) Viewed 11985 times
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
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1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
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Post: # 21899Post AdamDK »

Great minds think alike! :up:
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