This place is coming up on 8 years old and the last two years, despite all my efforts, has gone in the crapper cause of social media. A good majority of the long time very active members have just stopped coming here all together and have been doing the social media thing instead. Its frustrating to think all the time and work a person puts into something just cause he wants to for the love of something and one day, everyone just splits. As much as I dont want too and dont worry, im not going to, but its moments and times like this that make me want to pull the plug cause babysitting a place with next to no "active" traffic could be time spent else where.
Sorry for the rant, just depressing to see that this place is becoming a ghost town from what it once was. Night all...

P.S. Pretty sure im going to be pulling the plug on the HydrostreamForums group(s) and fan page on Facebook soon. I dont want Facebook to be used for what the web site is in place for and that is exactly what has happened. When this will happen, no idea but im sure I will give a heads up.