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Where is everyone?

Chat about anything boating or non boating here. Try to keep it clean.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22169Post AdamDK »

Wow....and i thought Hydrostreams sat low in the water.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22170Post 427man »

Sorry Kevin. I am as guilty as anyone for landing on FB. It's still very new to me. I searched high and low for about 18 months for the right Viper. In the end it came to me through a post someone saw on FB and clued me in. My first education on all things HydroStream came from this website. It has been an excellent resource and I apologize for being one of those guys that vanished like a fart in the wind.
1996 Four Winns U19 Unlimited w/351 Ford I/O
1981 Baja 17 BR w/1977 Merc 150 ELPT.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22171Post w1dce »

Nice video, looks like a fun boat. I like the old Merc too... it looks like about a 1965 model year engine. I have a 1965 9.8hp merc in my garage :) nice motors!
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22172Post RussF »

w1dce wrote:Thank you. I go on Housatonic River and LI Sound
there's a guy on here named transomstand and he's in Ct......Fairfield..............do you even go to the Conn River Run in mid october
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22173Post Hippie459MN »

Ya gotta watch out for that Transomstand guy... Especially his rabbit. lol :pound:
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22174Post Hippie459MN »

427man wrote:Sorry Kevin. I am as guilty as anyone for landing on FB. It's still very new to me. I searched high and low for about 18 months for the right Viper. In the end it came to me through a post someone saw on FB and clued me in. My first education on all things HydroStream came from this website. It has been an excellent resource and I apologize for being one of those guys that vanished like a fart in the wind.
Like others said, Facebook is easy for posting something and getting instant gratification. Now go back and try to find something from a month or two ago or search for something specific and you wont have a very successful time in your search. And the conversations can get out of hand and confusing fast with everyone just posting out of random. At least here there is a handy quote function so people understand who and what is going on.

Personally, I favor forums WAY over facebook just cause going back to something is so easy. Just bookmark the page and it will always be there.

Sadly though, Facebook has taken over and made instant posting of stuff way to convenient and along with it, people have forgotten about us here. Lucky for everyone though, I dont plan to go anywhere any time soon. Just wish traffic would pick back up here cause its no fun busting your but for something that has been forgotten about by many.

Oh well... With that said, Happy hump day! haha
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1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22176Post RussF »

transomstand...........THE RABBIT..............me
14656273_1441560699190964_890437181357258095_n.jpg (153.08 KiB) Viewed 7137 times
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22177Post 427man »

Some of us don't know the rabbit story. What's the deal? That Ventura with a 2.4 must scare the M&Ms out of the rabbit.
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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22178Post HST4ME »

I'm the source of the rabbit. it was a smart *** reply to some body on S&F. lol Pete took it and ran.

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Re: Where is everyone?

Post: # 22179Post w1dce »

RussF wrote:there's a guy on here named transomstand and he's in Ct......Fairfield..............do you even go to the Conn River Run in mid october
Fairfield is just a couple towns away from me, cool to have a neighbor on here!

Never been on CT river in a boat, but not too far to go on trailer .
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