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Pre-Mix Oil,,,whos using what? and why?
Pre-Mix Oil,,,whos using what? and why?
What premix oil are you guys using on what motor and why you prefer that brand, just want to see whats out there,,,thanks Joe 

Pre-Mix Oil,,,whos using what? and why?
Really, no responses?...lol everyone running 4-strokes
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- The new guy
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Aug 10, 2018 4:49 pm
- Location: Whitby Ontario
Re: Pre-Mix Oil,,,whos using what? and why?
Amsoil synthetic 50:1 , Evinrude 2thirsty five ! That's what previous owner has run for years on fresh rebuild, so I'm sticking with it.
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- Getting my feet wet
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- Location: Granger, IA
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Re: Pre-Mix Oil,,,whos using what? and why?
Quickest way to start an argument; political parties, religion, and oil. I use Klotz KL 332. Been good to me. Another is Golden Spectro. Usually 40:1 on Merc 2.5 200, 225PM. On a no rev day (when is that?) 50:1. Yamaha 2.6 injected 50:1 too.
I ran Klotz in a Jesuit sponsored motorcycle in a Republican parade once.--lucky to make it home. Some Pennzoil guy went postal.
I ran Klotz in a Jesuit sponsored motorcycle in a Republican parade once.--lucky to make it home. Some Pennzoil guy went postal.
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Re: Pre-Mix Oil,,,whos using what? and why?
Quicksilver synthetic blend at 40:1 has had my 2.0 150 running good. Almost no maintenance so far. Rarely gets plugs, and never rebuilt carbs in several years..
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