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To our OPBRA Spectators – Participants – Sponsors - Partners
We hope you and your family are doing well. We are all going through extraordinary times and having to make extraordinary decisions.
The OPBRA Executive / BOD have met and have had discussions focusing on the effects of COVID-19 and our civic duties as an association and as individuals;
OPBRA has made the decision to suspend the OPBRA 2020 season, until further notice.
Based on municipal, provincial and federal mandates, the projection to resume normal life is the start of the School Year 2020.
Therefore, it is assured that events like Gravenhurst and North Bay 2020 are cancelled.
The long-shot would be the Peterborough 2020 event.
We respect that each one of us is dealing with this pandemic differently. Please do what is responsible for you and your family.
Our OPBRA Spectators and Participants are vital to our success. We will view this time as an opportunity to strengthen and redefine for the betterment of us all as individuals, families and as a group and to provide the best powerboat racing experience for our Spectators, Sponsors and Partners.
In closing, please do your civic duties, take care of yourself, loved ones and friends. We are in this together.
Stay Safe. We thank you. OPBRA EXEC & BOD