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1978 Viking resto-mod

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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24884Post tnelson77 »

AdamDK wrote: May 03, 2020 5:19 pm
tnelson77 wrote: Apr 08, 2020 1:19 pm Blueprinting has been completed! Also got the primer on.
The vinylester primer...you just brushed/rolled it on?

Also, how much did you use?
Yes I just rolled it on. I went through one gallon, but probably could've used two as it went kinda thin in spots. Using a roller worked much better getting the little pin holes in the fiberglass filled. There were still a few pin holes in glass when I sprayed the gel and they don't want to fill in when the product was sprayed. It all got sanded anyway so I wasn't worried about the finish being rolled.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24885Post AdamDK »

Did you sand the primer before spraying or just left it as is when you started spraying the gelcoat?
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24887Post tnelson77 »

AdamDK wrote: May 08, 2020 5:54 pm Did you sand the primer before spraying or just left it as is when you started spraying the gelcoat?
Block sanded with 80. I was told it has to be sanded before something else can go on top of it, it does form a "skin" for lack of a better term. But it sands very easy. Plus I wanted it to fill in small imperfections in the P14. You could see spots where the primer filled in 36g grinding marks in the fiberglass from removing the gel earlier. I probably could've done another layer of primer and round of block sanding to make it 100% perfect. But the gel goes down so thick it wouldn't make a difference. And the flake hides a lot flaws.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24932Post tnelson77 »

Wet sanding and buffing is finished on the bottom and the boat is back on its new trailer! This stuff looks incredible in person, the pictures don't do it justice. Everything was wet sanded to 800 grit followed by a three stage buff using 3M perfect-it gelcoat products.

The deck has been sanded with 36g on a DA. I took the gel down until I started removing some of the original flake. There were a few stress cracks in the gelcoat that thankfully didn't go any deeper, those were sanded until the cracks were gone. A few coats of filler went on the dash and over old rigging holes. Everything is ready for primer which will go on this week.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24933Post Hippie459MN »

Thing is looking AWESOME!
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24969Post tnelson77 »

In the month since my last post here has what's gone down. The deck was rolled with primer, block sanded with 80g. Sprayed with a second coat of primer, block sanded agin. Gel coat/flake was sprayed. The wet sanding process has begun, the dash and everything forward has been block sanded with 240g.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24973Post proprider »

Very nice work!

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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24975Post tnelson77 »

Thank you! Finish sanding is done and buffing has begun.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24987Post tnelson77 »

Fiberglass and gelcoat work is complete! I ended up doing another round of sanding and buffing. Then pulled it out in the sun for the first time in two years. Also set the windshield on it for a few pictures. Let the rigging begin!
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 24988Post proprider »

Boy, I know that feeling when you pulled that out in the sun! Definitely boosts the motivation. Looks great any the trailer is cool too!

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