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New to Hydrostreams, just bought 2 in one week.

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New to Hydrostreams, just bought 2 in one week.

Post: # 25010Post 77Vector »

Greetings, I am new to these boats. Pulled the trigger on a Vector and a Viper in the same week. Both are 1977 models. The Viper is a project, Vector is not. Considering doing the core myself but would rather pay to have it done right if I can find a shop in the midwest.
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Re: New to Hydrostreams, just bought 2 in one week.

Post: # 25011Post Hydrostream Bot »

77Vector, Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions or anything feel free to ask as I'm sure someone will gladly do their best to help you.

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Re: New to Hydrostreams, just bought 2 in one week.

Post: # 25013Post Hippie459MN »

Welcome! Both look great.

[ Post made via Android ] Image
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
1982 Hydrostream Vamp
1973 Hydrostream Vixen
1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
1976 Pontoon - aka The Family Truckster
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Re: New to Hydrostreams, just bought 2 in one week.

Post: # 25014Post Hippie459MN »

Where in the midwest are you? Brian Carhart is the guy of your willing to bring it to Janesville WI. He has probably rebuilt 3 or 4 dozen hydrostreams and the guy knows a thing or two about rebuilding these boats.

[ Post made via Android ] Image
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
1982 Hydrostream Vamp
1973 Hydrostream Vixen
1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
1976 Pontoon - aka The Family Truckster
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Re: New to Hydrostreams, just bought 2 in one week.

Post: # 25021Post tnelson77 »

Welcome! Some great looking boats there!
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Re: New to Hydrostreams, just bought 2 in one week.

Post: # 25058Post msethsmile+ »

Captain Nabbers in Morris, Illinois does good work.
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