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Project Hydrostream Vulture

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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25069Post Hippie459MN »

I know I havent posted a ton of updates here but trust me, a lot has happened and I will get all caught up eventually but I want to knock a few more things out before then and sadly with winter and cold weather upon us here in Minnesota, boat work is pretty much done for till spring.

But with that said, I did pick up a lower from Scott Bilda (bruzercomp81) this summer that already had a nose cone on it but just needed the body work done to it and me not being a body man, I sent it off to Arron at Xtreme Paint and Body here in Wyoming MN. Yes, he is a HUGE boat guy and Hydorstream nut and was a very good friend with Howard for those of you that dont know him. I picked up the lower from Aaron today and he more than knocked it out of the park on this one. Its still in primer cause I haven't decided what im going to do with it yet but he got it all done, and also got the torque tab installed too. Huge thank you to both Scott and Aaron!

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I can't wait to get this thing on the water this spring. :boating:
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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25071Post idvette »

Jeez, those OMC cases have small skegs!

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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25072Post Hippie459MN »

idvette wrote: Nov 29, 2020 10:14 am Jeez, those OMC cases have small skegs!

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Yeah, I'm starting to notice that. I have 3 OMC lowers here and all 3 of them have the same size skegs. I have seem a few people extend theirs. I'll see how it goes with it like this. I'm going to have Aaron put a cone on another case for me this summer I think so I have a spare and maybe put a bigger skeg on that one.
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1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25082Post Hippie459MN »

idvette wrote: Nov 29, 2020 10:14 am Jeez, those OMC cases have small skegs!

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@idvette, here is an OMC lower that someone put a bigger skeg on. This IS NOT my lower so dont anyone start asking me any questions about it. LoL
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Im thinking on my other stock lower I have here im going to go this route. We'll see.
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1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25193Post idvette »

I'm on the fence over welded skegs. I've heard of guys saying if done right they're perfectly fine, others not only refuse to run one on their boats, they won't even run in a group if they know a guy has one. I broke 2 cle cases, both cracked from the propshaft forward about 4", I scrapped both of them.

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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25194Post Hippie459MN »

I hear ya. Im on the fence about it too. I know a guy thats been going 85+ with a welded skeg for like 5 years now and its still in one piece and you would never know if he didnt tell ya.
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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25196Post nitro_rat »

Once bit, twice shy...

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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25198Post alaskastreamin »

I think it depends on where it’s welded.
That diagonal weld should be fine as the original one is still there.

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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 25199Post RussF »

looking good
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Re: Project Hydrostream Vulture

Post: # 26228Post Hippie459MN »

Wow... My lack of updates going on here. I will get a ton of updates here in the next week or so. I have a ton of pictures but here is the current situation. :mrgreen:

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Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
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1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
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1973 Hydrostream Vixen
1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
1976 Pontoon - aka The Family Truckster
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