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New project- 89 Voyager

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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25200Post alaskastreamin »

I found a used windshield 3 hours away for $50.
I needed the lower rail for the side windows to modernize mine. Mocked up and cut center frame to fit new angles.
Made templates and went to glass shop to order tinted tempered glass.
Before and after. Ok,... after and before.

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25201Post alaskastreamin »

Got boat rewired, new gauges installed, foot throttle pad glassed in, motor mounted, sea star pro installed, powerhead broke down and block to machine shop, lower had pitted prop shaft at thrust washer area so for half price of a std shaft I got a fat shaft.
Nose cone arrived so it was fitted and epoxied in place then welded up.

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25202Post alaskastreamin »

While waiting on parts, I pulled boat off trailer, rolled on its side( both sides), wet sand and buff hull.
This alone took almost a week of 8 hr days.

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25203Post alaskastreamin »

While boat was off trailer, I repainted frame, repaired bent and cracked fenders, rewired and all new lights and bunks.
Rather than pinstripe tape like factory, I broke out my striping brushes and pulled some lines.
Not perfect but very acceptable for a trailer.

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25204Post alaskastreamin »

I made the decision to modernize the interior.
I met Dan Ryan last fall and liked the “theme” of his ‘97 Voyagers interior.

I found Two molded plastic bucket seat shells on Great Lake skipper for $89 ea. They will be slightly higher back than factory but slightly lower than my Virage seats.
I will build a rear bench seat frame like Dan’s and bow seats and side panels.

I’ll post the patterning and sewing process. It’s not that hard if you are patient and know some of the tricks.

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25205Post Hippie459MN »

This thing is looking great!
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25207Post tnelson77 »

Looking great, Ron!
I'm just starting the interior process on mine. I'll be building all new back to back seats like the 78 and older. The upholstery is the only part of my build I'm considering farming out to a pro.
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25217Post alaskastreamin »

Figured I’d give an update.
I bought a set of “roto-molded” bucket seat shells from Great Lakes skipper fir $89 ea. The fiberglass seat shells are so thin that when lifting yourself out of the seat, the thin edge of the arm rest cuts thru the foam. The plastic seat shells have a 1-1/2” wide edge. That alone is worth the investment.
Well, I liked the shape and height but didn’t think about the width when I ordered them. They were too wide!!
These shells are hard to find so I decided to take 2-1/2” out of the center and trim the “take out” down as a backer when I put it together. I could get a $19 plastic welder from Harbor freight but pop rivets worked great!!

Next I made up the rest of the interior from 1/2” & 1/4” birch plywood.
The contoured front seat bottoms was a challenge. I used two layers of 1/8” “utility plywood “ @ $11 sheet. The first layer got 1708 stitchmat on the bottom staying 2” away from the edge (for stapling) then covered in tin foil. Then it was put in place and a few self tapping screws held it to the contour.

When I un- screwed it the next day it rebounded slightly. I trowled on wood glue then the second layer and re-screwed to the contour. The next day I removed the screws and no rebound.
To be safe, I added a layer of 1708 on the top side. Now I have rigid full seat cushion bases.

With this solid base, I can cut more access storage openings under the leg area Under the front seating.

The new front side panels are attached to the back rest portion for a cleaner more modern look.

The rear side panels were made more modern and are roughly to shape. They are still oversized and I’m adjusting and trimming till they look correct. The ‘89 panels were too short and bulky in my mind. The ‘97 model I pictured above , to me, are too big as they go to the dash and the floor reducing side storage access. Trying to find a happy medium.

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Last edited by alaskastreamin on May 09, 2021 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25225Post alaskastreamin »

Today I was able to fine tune the plywood panels for upholstery. The rear side panels got trimmed down more and the rear seat got trued up and router’d all the edges to soften. ( I see more torn upholstery at hard edges)

The foam and vinyl are en-route. I want to be ready when they arrive....

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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Re: New project- 89 Voyager

Post: # 25228Post alaskastreamin »

Got my trailer stickers on .
Made these with friends cricut.
Voyager and Virage.

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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