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1992 CE Vaquero

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1992 CE Vaquero

Post: # 25270Post CanadianRed »

Just picked this thing up yesterday, she has a 1982 Johnson 90 v4 on the back, when I bought it I thought I was buying the most underpowered Valero on the market, now I learn they were only ever designed for 90-115hp.. my goal of a 150XR2 is slightly crushed. But I think a 135 black max should be just sketchy enough :D :D
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Re: 1992 CE Vaquero

Post: # 25271Post Hydrostream Bot »

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Re: 1992 CE Vaquero

Post: # 25272Post idvette »

The Vaquero is much like my Vision was. I had a 2.4 200 on it, look it up, should be a good read for you. Congrats on the purchase, where do you run?

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1988 Canadian Edition Vision Sold
1990 Hydrostream Virage Stage 3 Turbo
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