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Had to sell my 79 Varmint a couple years ago—got a 78 Vector last fall keeping at my parents’ house in NC, 800 miles from where I live in MI—got it painted over winter, got down there this past week to hang motor and get it on the water.Actually drives great with etec 90 ( don’t laugh). I’ll attach a few pics. Still waiting on glove box and cushions for rear bench.
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Looks great! Not sure how I feel about the seats being on pedestals though. Looks like you would sit really really high. Considering a stock stream had a small seat box and that was it and most guys, myself included, just mount their seats to the floor.
There is a lot to say about the compromises made on this one. I agree about the pedestals—but the 12 inch pedestals sit me just high enough to see the shoals and sand bars better (necessary , even with a simrad) without constantly having to stand up—boat is being used is inland coastal waterways around Wilmington, NC. I’ve also learned that even with a 90 it is under propped with a 19– will try to get my hands on a 20 laser 2 or similar.A year ago the boat was running in the 90s with a 240-hp motor, and is solid with new transom and floor—so 90 seems underkill, but at least a fun experiment, and jumps on a plane and does 40s with full load, and uses next to no gas. Coming back down in a couple months ( I live in Michigan, this boat is at my parent’s house in NC), and have some more plans, and will post follow-up pics.
Thought I would post a couple updated pics of my Vector from the end of last season —changed the flooring, seats, added an acrylic windshield…a little more tuning I think and will be in the low 50s with the 90 etec
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