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1978 Viking resto-mod

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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25349Post tnelson77 »

Ron, I'm about 2-3 weeks away from having everything completed. Then planning to drop it at the upholstery shop. We'll see how fast she can turn it around.

Thanks, Proprider!
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25397Post tnelson77 »

Well its done! (nearly) Upholstery shop is dropping the ball on getting seats back to me. So the original seats went back in so I can run it until they're ready to make the new ones.

Ron, I really should've listened to you and just bought a machine and done it myself. Then I could've said I did every last bit of work myself. Who knows, might still get to this point haha. :(

Fuel tank was installed and plumed, GPS was added with glue in transducer, motor has been test ran. A few minor water leaks to take care of on the motor but overall ran great!

It will go in the water the way it is now. Planning for Saturday May 29.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25398Post alaskastreamin »

Looking good!!
What brand is your switch panel? Lol!!

I’m going to try and get out next weekend also.

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25399Post tnelson77 »

I forgot to add in my post that I'm still waiting for the machine shop to run the CNC program for my actual panel. It is a piece of 1/8" aluminum that I had anodized blue and the words will be just touched off with a ball end mill. The current one is a piece of 1/4" plywood that was laser cut to the same program to test fit. I figured I would keep it there as a switch holder while building the wire harness. Looks like it will be there a bit longer haha.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25405Post Hippie459MN »

Looks great! Better get video!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25406Post tnelson77 »

All 5 GoPros ready to go, about 15 batteries charged.

Ron, the switch plate came back just in time!
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25407Post Hippie459MN »

I cant wait to see some video!!!! At least post up some pics right away of it in the water. :mrgreen:
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25408Post alaskastreamin »

Have a good day!! That panel looks awesome!!

I’m having my maiden voyage today also.

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25412Post tnelson77 »

First weekend went pretty well. Was able to click 68 according to the GoPro GPS, the Garmin in the boat showed 69. Only hiccup was the studs that mount the lower worked themselves loose. The rear two fell out completely, one of them taking a nick out of the prop. I should be able to take care of that myself, its pretty small. The front two thankfully only can back out so far so the lower didn't fall off completely.

Everything else was great! Just going to take some time to learn how to balance on the pad.

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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25413Post alaskastreamin »

That first outing is always a little nerve racking.
Hoping everything goes smoothly.
Glad you got home under your own power .

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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
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