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Thanks! Ill keep the pictures of the progress coming, hopefully ill have it ready for the water next summer! Any knowledge and tips would be greatly appreciated. Ive learned alot of things from reading yours and tnelson77 post!
2834E489-FF53-4F1E-954E-2F33ABCC633A.jpeg (660.08 KiB) Viewed 80536 times
Back corner left to grind then side wall and under front deck. I feel like i removed alot of material getting it all ground out even, debating if i should lay 1 or 2 layers of glass threw out the hull before i start rebuilding
Okay, i may go that route. I thought i read somewhere that it was better to lay csm for a mechanical bond to the hull but them again ive read so much that i may be getting something mixed up!
BronsonC wrote: ↑Sep 23, 2021 5:54 am
Okay, i may go that route. I thought i read somewhere that it was better to lay csm for a mechanical bond to the hull but them again ive read so much that i may be getting something mixed up!