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Color/flake recipe?

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Color/flake recipe?

Post: # 25672Post Pierce »

Have been searching still coming up blank unfortunately. Newb here, looking to restore a 76 Viper, wondering if there was a recipe for Apricot a man could take to a pro to match. Thanks for any input.

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Re: Color/flake recipe?

Post: # 25673Post Pierce »

Have also been looking for information on original hull detail in regards to hook, was hoping to find a reference to compare what i have to. Thanks again for any thoughts

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Re: Color/flake recipe?

Post: # 25675Post Hippie459MN »

As for the gel color, Jeffs (Sonik) Viper is an original apricot. Not sure what it would take or what colors are needed between the base and the flake to get the color right.

As for the "hook", the original hook, isnt actually a hook but rather a wedge. Dont get rid of it if yours has it. I know the Vectors have them but not sure if the vipers do. If they do, its the later ones. You can tell where the wedge is. it will have a slight angle to the back 1/4 of the pad then flatten out. An unwanted hook will be a constant curve in the pad. In the picture you can kind of see the factory wedge. This is from a Vector.
Wedge3.jpg (61.23 KiB) Viewed 81919 times
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Re: Color/flake recipe?

Post: # 25677Post Pierce »

Thank you, i appreciate the information and reference photo, most helpful. I have a Vector to do also, want to restore to close to factory as possible.

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Re: Color/flake recipe?

Post: # 25684Post tnelson77 »

Not sure what colors it would take to accomplish apricot. But I know Roth Metal Flake sells small sample bags of flake so you can at least hold it alongside to get an idea. The only problem with Roth is their flake is hex in shape and the original is square. Square flake seems to be a bit harder to find. I looked for a very long time for my restoration and the only source I was able to find for square flake was www.vintagepaint.biz

Good luck with your build!
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