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1978 Viking resto-mod

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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25551Post tnelson77 »

It's been a little while since I've updated.

In the last two months I've been out enjoying this thing as much as possible. My 65yo father barefooted behind it agin, I've been learning to slalom ski, and my nephew is learning to ski as well.

More importantly, starting to get the hang of flying this thing on the pad. Saw a best of 70.4 on the Garmin GPS with the original 2.0 175. That was turning a 26p big ear chopper. But I'm starting to think that prop has had some work done. I ran every one of the props I picked up and figured I got all I could out of the original motor.

I installed the 225 ProMax I picked up and went out the first day with my 26 chopper and ran to 86. That was on the limiter of that motor. Still trying more props cause this has a lot more left in it. I ordered a new harness for the new motor and ran everything into the original control box. This thing was 100% stone stock minus the oil pump was blocked off. The pump was still there. The oil injection system was completely removed along with the idle stabilizer.

Here's a video of the first time out with the new motor.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25794Post tnelson77 »

Another late update, saw a best of 94.7 running a Quicksilver Lighting ET 30. Thats with a 4" setback Atlas jack plate, running prop-shaft centerline 1/2" above pad.

And a few random pictures. Top picture was taken when passing around 70mph, don't have a good side shot over 90 yet.
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Re: 1978 Viking resto-mod

Post: # 25813Post Hippie459MN »

Looks awesome bud! Sadly a few small set backs put me back just enough that it wasnt going to happen for me this year so this spring, I hope to be boating with ya, and hopefully my kid in his too. Have to get the carbs dial back in since I had them all apart. But it does stay running now and is a fun little machine!
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