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Spoke with someone at express composites, they said 1708 and 1808 are basically the same other then being 1 oz heavier, said it lays out and works the same
Kevin, everything they sell as 1708 at Express is 1808. Thats what I used on my entire build. Same stuff. Unless you're trying to be like Bill Foner and save every pound with 1208 haha.
Well hadn't had much time to work on the stream lately with work and hunting season, but managed to get the transom cut out and laminated together. A little more trimming and it should be ready to put in. Also cut out a piece to replace to wood on the dash
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Awesome work so far, really looking good! I am finally jumping back into my restoration on my 74' Vector after 9 years...
Its deffinitly nice to see a fellow stream owner around the same point I'm at. Looking forward to seeing some update photos and continue to see your Vector transform!
I have to ask.. do you have any tips on how you glassed in the splashwell? Looks absolutely perfect!
All this glass work is new to me as well, what i with the splash well was saved the piece i removed from it then once the transom was all done i made a make shift fixture to hold the piece where it needed to be. Then went from underneath and glassed a 2 inch strip over the crack then a 3 inch over that all the way around, once that dried i went on top and beveled the crack all around then filled the crack with some resin mixed with milled fibers, then did the same against the transom but putting a good radius. Once that was dry i sanded everything smooth and layed a layer of csm over the hole thing.
Not sure if thats the right way to do it but it seem pretty strong
I appreciate the detailed response! What you did was a great idea in my opinion. I see most deleting the splash well but like the fact you kept it.
Deffinitly helps give me some encouragement to tackle mine. Your glass works looks A1! I'm assuming you are using waxed resin? That way you can sand after coats?