I picked up some supplies from Home depot for the cradle build... I'm not sure about anywhere else but the wood prices are crazy here.
Wasn't sure what was needed but went with some 1/2" OSB 4x8' sheets. Hoping they are thick enough... Some straight as possible 2x6x10's and 2x4x10 that I will use for addition support (like bunks) that will run the length and some standard 2x4 that will be cut down for supports between each 4x8 sheet of plywood. As I'm writing this remembering I forgot to pick up some screws.. so that will be the next trip to the store haha. Credit to those who posted pictures of their cradles as it is where I'm basing my design from
Picture of some of the supplies

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Next step will be to do a clean of the garage bay to get everything organized and get the Vector flipped over and off the trailer to start measuring and tracing out the shape onto the sheets of plywood.
If anyone has any tips or recommendations please let me know!
Will update once more progress is made probably won't be until my next days off.
Also some good news towards the middle/rear of the hull seems as the two are fitting much better then the front!!

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