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Spent a couple hours covering the white and outlining the red. Got the red sprayed and edge tape removed.
Wrapping the top edge of the windscreen.
Sides are thin enough that the glass doesn’t want to roll over the top so some putty was put on the top edge as the 1708 was rolled over. No air bubbles and formed nicely.
[ Post made via iPhone ]
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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc http://www.prattcustoms.com
Yep, that’s it.
Got the light gray on this morning. Pictures look the same as before but they’re not . Lol!!
Had some extra gel in the gun. Rather than dump it, I added some thickener and made putty for the windscreen.
[ Post made via iPhone ]
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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc http://www.prattcustoms.com
Today I wet sanded the stripes flat and got two coats of clear on.
I’ve been rolling the boat outside to spray then promptly rolling it back in. Saves making a booth. It’s bright, no dust, no bugs. Well, today a few bugs were emerging and decided to land in the clear.
I was hoping to not sand anymore on the hull but such is life….
[ Post made via iPhone ]
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Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc http://www.prattcustoms.com