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What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 21928Post LSaupe »

Stegworld: Great feedback, thanks.
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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 22246Post AndrewZ »

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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 22364Post Hippie459MN »

Last year we added another boat to the fleet. While not soley mine, my mother picked up this pontoon for for her, my brother, and I. Its the official family truckster at out lake place. We used the heck out if it last year and im sure it will get plenty of use this year too. Its a 1976 Pontoon. Nothing fancy but for the price it was hard not to say no and it does the trick. Just has a little 20hp merc on it. I would like to put a 40-50hp on it but for now, it works just fine. My kid LOVES driving it and is super good at driving it too.

We are going to do a few little upgrades to it this year to make it look a little better and more comfy.
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Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
1982 Hydrostream Vamp
1973 Hydrostream Vixen
1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
1976 Pontoon - aka The Family Truckster
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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 22395Post VultureNo2 »

My dad and his brother showing off there classics. My dad doesn't get in it anymore. Now part of my fleet. :D

Hippie, the boy is getting big. I'm glad he has your passion for boating.
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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 25952Post TonyC »

Just found this topic. Here are our other boats.
1989 Glastron Carlson 16CSS, 115 OMC. Restored this one myself.
1971 Chrysler Conqueror Shallow-V. 120 Chrysler. This and our Vector are my current projects.
1986 Sea Ray 340 Sundancer. Twin 454 Merc V-drives. Our mobile lake house and never ending project.
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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 25955Post TonyC »

Thought I'd throw this one in there too. 1989 Seebold 265 Silver Eagle. Built by famed boat racer Bill Seebold. 454 Magnum Bravo One. I sold the boat a few years back when my wife informed me we'd outgrown her and needed a cruiser! :roll: Out of all the boats I've owned over the years she's the only one I truly regret selling. Really miss her!
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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 26353Post Joker Jake »

I have a Humber Jewel. It is such a fun little boat.
Always wanted one. I got it for free about 20 yrs ago.
Replaced the transom, fixed holes, ground out 1000s of tiny cracks.... it was a mess.
It came with short shaft electric shift Evinrude.
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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 26354Post LSaupe »

Nice! Always wanted to see one in person.
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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 26355Post RussF »

hello larry you still here on the site
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Re: What are some of your non-hydrostream boats.

Post: # 26356Post LSaupe »

Yep, on occasion.
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