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New Valero restoration

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New Valero restoration

Post: # 26495Post tburns8623 »

New member, just bought a 1984 Valero V bottom, just starting to restore. Floor completely delaminated, transom soft, assuming stringers and core will need to be done as well. Exterior wasn’t in bad shape after a lot of buffing to get rid of the oxidation, minimal spider/stress cracks and the majority of the interior was there. Question for all, mine has foam next to the stringers that I’ve never seen before, completely water logged. There is also a wood “cap” over the stringers I’ve never seen ? Has anyone seen this kind of construction before? The “cap” and stringers seem very solid, do I still assume the core underneath is shot ? Any input appreciated.
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Re: New Valero restoration

Post: # 26496Post tburns8623 »

Seeking material advice now, have all of the foam out, removing stringers and core now, have 2 helpers so hopefully this demolition won’t drag out. Thinking about the following materials for the rebuild, looking for feedback on my choices. 1/2” end grain balsa for the core, coosa 26 - 1/2” for the stringers, coosa 3/4” x 2 for the transom, all vinylester resin, what to use for the floor ? Any feedback appreciated from other’s experience.
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Re: New Valero restoration

Post: # 26498Post Hippie459MN »

Take a look at this. Should help with understanding the core situation - https://www.hydrostreamforums.com/the-core-what-is-it-and-where-it-is

As for materials, that is all up to you. I personally used balsa for the core and marine ply for the transom, stringers, and floor. When sealed properly balsa will last a very very long time. Also, balsa and marine ply will be a lot cheaper than going with composite for everything. You list sounds pretty good. Either the coosa or marine ply for the floor. Whatever you use, just make sure it gets sealed up good.

Boat looks great! Once the bones are all new, that thing will last for another 20+ years easy. If not longer.
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