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‘89 HST rebuild ( Blown out bottom)

Restoring your Hydrostream or just giving it a small makeover? What better place than to show off your project. Big or small.
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Re: ‘89 HST rebuild ( Blown out bottom)

Post: # 26518Post alaskastreamin »

I forgot to add some “in the water pictures “
IMG_0504.jpeg (763.97 KiB) Viewed 1620 times
IMG_0677.jpeg (709.63 KiB) Viewed 1620 times
IMG_0678.jpeg (681.88 KiB) Viewed 1620 times
IMG_0680.jpeg (790.69 KiB) Viewed 1620 times
Ron Pratt
Okanogan, WA
Viper/ 2.5L 200 Merc (SOLD)
1991 "the last" Virage/ 15" 280
2003 9’ Mini Virage/ 15 hp Honda 4-stroke
1989 Voyager/ 300 Promax
1989 HST / 2.5L 200 Merc
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Re: ‘89 HST rebuild ( Blown out bottom)

Post: # 26519Post Hippie459MN »

Looks great Ron!!
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