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Hi to all HydroScream Lovers everywhere!

Posted: Aug 23, 2012 1:09 pm
by valero4me
Hello Everyone! wow, a dream come true, i have been loving Streams since i bought my H.S.T. in 1990, See Pics! an Awesome boat! i hit 87mph with stock Merc 200hp once i put a hotter 2.4 EFI with a Sick 11" of set back, Turbo set back, 1" of spacer and CMC jack, all set up for me at Fort Fremont Marine By Greg Thomson the Master of Merc High Perf in Fremont Wi. He found me a 2.4 that was professionally rebuilt and i was doing 90mph with four people over one foot chop easy! I hit 97mph with a Land n Sea shifting prop! insane out of the hole!!! with a 13 pitch slamming you back in your seat and a best top speed of 97mph! (til i broke a blade broke off at 97mph!!! $1,600 later, (1990's dollars) i had a new gear case prop shaft and a new blade on prop. another $300. Now back into Streams as of last June of 2011. I now own a Valero in white and yellow with a V not air trapping, reminds me of my crazy fast Switzer Craft i had, with V hull fun on turns and sick high wake jumps! etc. I bought Valero for a great deal but... re-did carpet, seats, trailer since the previous owner used trailer as a boat lift, in the lake all summer! duh? so i had to grind out rust sawzall the trailer lights and install new studs, bearings, tires, (got a flat 10 min after i bought boat, alone no help...another story) Boat is not fast as H.S.T. in fact at the moment pathetic at 60 mph to 63 mph but that will be fixed next spring as motor going in for rebuild this winter. I had a friend we thru a 150hp inline "Tower of Power Merc" on his Viper at 70mph that was crazy! Long Live Hydrostream! where i boat in Oshkosh to Fremont Wi. Hydrostreams are still very respected, almost every time were out, guys come stumbling up spilling beers and trying to guess the year and share stories, i tell my girlfriend owning a classic Stream is like owing a 69 Camaro, Very appreciated and Respected! Jim

Re: Hi to all HydroScream Lovers everywhere!

Posted: Aug 23, 2012 6:48 pm
by RussF
welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee................. :boating:

Re: Hi to all HydroScream Lovers everywhere!

Posted: Aug 23, 2012 11:15 pm
by Gibbs87VKing
Welcome and we want pics. Enjoy that new sweet toy.

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